Sunday, February 23, 2020

Is Bullying in School a Normal Part of Life Essay

Is Bullying in School a Normal Part of Life - Essay Example Based on the nature, bullying can be classified into three major categories; physical, verbal and social. Even though only the physical bullying results in physical injury to the victim, verbal and social bullying can cause tremendous emotional problems to the victim. Majority of the schools all over the world are places in which all types of bullying are taking place. Some people argue that bullying in schools is a normal activity and it is necessary to make the teenagers physically and mentally stronger. Such people are of the view that bullying can prepare students to undertake stronger challenges in future. On the other hand critics believe that uncontrolled bullying will cause tremendous damages to the physical and mental development of the victims and therefore it should be prohibited in school campuses. â€Å"Education Minister Christ Carter announced that New Zealand schools will be required to have concrete measures to put a stop to bullying, or at least to deal with itâ₠¬  (New Zealand Government Focuses On School Bullying). (New Zealand Government Focuses On School Bullying) Current generation, especially the teenage generation are more aggressive in nature than the generations in the past. Media like internet and television play an important role in injecting aggressive behaviour among teenage community. Teenagers do not have the ability to segregate between the good and evil. They don’t have the maturity to think about the consequences of their actions. Sex and violence related contents in media motivate the teenagers to imitate those things in their real life. They don’t have the wisdom to segregate fiction from facts. Thus physical encounters among teenage community are growing day by day in schools. School shooting incidences are quiet regular in America like western countries because of the easy access of gun like dangerous weapons to the teenage community. In short, physical bullying can result even in loss of lives and there fore it should be avoided at any cost in school compounds. Verbal bullying refers to the act of teasing. It is an act of teasing a mentally weaker student by a group of mentally stronger students as shown in the image below. (International Network) The victim will remain helpless when he/she faces a combined attack by a group of students. In many cases verbal bullying results in physical assaults also. In any case, it is a fact that verbal bullying can cause psychological problems to the victim. Victims of bullying may loss interest in studies and other daily activities. Such people will try to avoid the company of others and their academic performances could be seriously damaged as a result of verbal bullying. According to Dune et al (2010), â€Å"Bullying, aggression and other forms of violence in schools can blight student experiences of formal education and their abilities to make the best of the opportunities they have† (Dune et al, p.1). Social bullying is an act of iso lation. In this case, the offenders form a group and prevent the victim from interacting normally with others. Moreover, offenders may fabricate stories against the victim and spread

Friday, February 7, 2020

Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination Essay

Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination - Essay Example Taking a controversial approach with respect to reverse his termination in the workplace, this essay will prove persuasively argue that because these programs promote discrimination themselves barely defeatist, and ironically promote the same type of behavior that they seek to eradicate. We now turn to an overview of the reasons for affirmative action and then follow with a rebuttal against reverse discrimination in the work force. As mentioned above, discrimination in the workforce affects different types of people from all walks of life. Women have faced historical discrimination for years and the Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 was established to tackle the issues associated with wage-based discrimination. Due to the prevalence of sexism today, women still continue to earn less than their male counterparts. With respect to age, older workers face a variety of challenges in the labor force and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 seeks to protect people who are 40 years of age and older from discrimination. Looking at people disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 sought to ensure the full employability of people disabilities in modern society. With respect to visible minorities in the United States, the US federal government began its attempts at combating discrimination in the early 1960s. During this period, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 to i mplement â€Å"affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." (The American Presidency Project, 2009). This was arguably the most important piece of legislation to pave the way for affirmative action in the United States. While the government has legislated many policies to tackle discrimination at work, these programs are inherently discriminatory themselves and promote exactly the type of